Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Update and my new project

Wowee! Busy bee here - just checkin' in!

School is going great. It's not as bad as I thought, it hasn't inhibited my fun time hardly at all - it's just taking advantage of that silly thing called "time management", which I got down pat while wedding planning. My school (American Intercontinental University) it has been just a peach to deal with, I really reccommend it. I'm excited because I just received a call yesterday from the financial aid dept, informing me that I received one of the scholarships that I applied for. This is the smaller $500 one but I'm pretty pleased nonetheless. Now I just have to wait and see if I get the really BIG one that AIU offers to working women. Obviously the competition for this one is quite a bit bigger and one of my downfalls might be that I don't have the big obstacle called chillins (aka children) but I'm still staying optimistic. Not having to pay for school out-of-pocket would be ....well AWESOME!

Something that I'm super excited about: I've been mentioning to people that I really miss planning my wedding and I currently have two offers to plan events :) NEATIO!
One is for a Boys and Girls Club banquet which I'm stoked about and hope to help out all that I can and the second is an actual wedding for next summer! I hope I don't get too overly slammed because I don't want anything to affect my school work and I do still have obligations to a few businesses for marketing.

I think I'm finally getting over that illness that I've been battling for about a month now. Soarthroat, sinus infection, and even an ear infection! Eek! Good riddance germs!   Pomegranite Raspberry Green Tea - hats off to you! ...and the doctor's prescriptions of course.

I got wedding thank you's finished. I felt really bad because I had finished 80% of all my thank you's two weeks after the wedding, when I ran out of paper and then I kept forgetting/putting off getting more until this last weekend (almost 2 months after the wedding) and I just barely got them all sent out. Call me weird but I'm always really worried about offending anyone who was generous enough to buy me a gift, because I know how I feel when I don't receive a thank you. I know, I know... you're not supposed to expect a thank you, but then again wedding ettiquette says that you're not even supposed to expect gifts for your the proper etiquette would, yes, be to send a thank you. Am I right in my logic? :)

And FINALLY the big news! I'm starting a wedding planning website. I'm going to target mostly local girls because the ones around here are frankly not that cool, or helpful. Keep a look out for the GRAND UNVEILING! It won't be for profit until I start advertising vendors which would be very nice because I could use the cash money (after wedding tradegy and poor student syndrome).

In one more day, Eric and I will have been married for 2 months exactly! I was asked if we've had the pleasure of experiencing our first "married couple fight" yet and I'm proud to announce that NOPE no married couple fights are on record! I've always loved that about our relationship - we have always gotten along extremely well and can sit down and talk out our differences without freaking out of eachother. I will admit that this doesn't always happen! but it's pretty rare :). Here's to good relationships!

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to that! And I'm excited to hear more about your wedding planning site! SWEET!
