Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Health Care Reform?

I'm really sorry to bore you all, I've been really into being all up in the US's business here lately. I do think that every American should be fully conscience of what's going on right now,whether they're interested or not, because it's going to affect us all sooner or later. The more we know, the more input we can give without making ourselves look like blabbering fools. :)

I'm really into this podcast called "Stuff You Should Know" and it's from this website They research and write articles on everything under the sun and it's actually pretty entertaining. This week, they're doing a big 4 or 5 part podcast about the health care issues going on. I really enjoyed this because all I keep hearing is other people's opinions, not just the plain good ol' facts to form my own.

What I'm not going to do in this post is throw my opinions and ideas at you, that's not my purpose. I just wanted to share this info with you for your knowledgable reading pleasure.

I'm only going to post a couple sections from the article. To read the rest of the article please visit :

How US Health Care Reform Works
by Molly Edmonds

Obama's Plan for Health Care

Though the current proposals for reforming health care are frequently termed "Obamacare," these plans weren't written by Barack Obama. As opposed to 1993, when the Clinton administration created much of its health care plan in isolation without input from Congress, Obama has laid out his eight requirements for health care reform and then taken a hands-off approach, leaving it to the Congress to write the bills. Obama's eight principles for health care reform are:

• Assure affordable, quality health coverage for all Americans

• Remove obstacles to coverage for people with pre-existing conditions

• Maintain coverage in the event of job loss or change

• Safeguard families from bankruptcies related to health expenses

• Guarantee choice of doctors and coverage plans

• Shrink long-term cost increases in health care for businesses and the government

• Improve quality of care and patient safety

• Invest in preventive care and wellness

[sources: White House, Kaiser Family Foundation]

At press time, there are two major legislative proposals. The House of Representatives released H.R. 3200, also known as the America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009. From the Senate, we have the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee bill, which is referred to as the Affordable Health Choices Act. Still to come is the bill from the Senate Finance Committee, which is expected to be unveiled by mid-September 2009. The senators working on this bill include three Democrats and three Republicans, so many legislators are hoping that it arrives with provisions that satisfy both political parties. This bill is also anticipated because it must include ways of financing proposals, which the other Senate bill wasn't required to do.

While the United States is still recovering from the 2008 presidential campaign, the fall of 2009 may turn out to be a repeat of the election season, as senators and representatives will take to the floor to work out the various proposals. Pundits are positing that the Democrats are counting their votes in a possible attempt to pass legislation without broad Republican support, as Republicans have been largely critical of the proposals so far [sources: Montgomery, Bacon; Madden]. Already, interest groups have saturated the airwaves with claims about what the plan will or will not include. Through it all, President Obama has remained adamant that he wants a bill to sign by the end of the year. Even if Obama does sign a bill, the American people won't likely see changes until 2012.

So what's on the table so far?

Changes to Existing Insurance Plans

If Barack Obama had a nickel for every time he asserted that Americans would get to keep their doctor and their health insurance plan, he would probably have enough money to pay down the deficit. But it's a message that bears repeating to the majority of Americans who already have health insurance that they like.

The legislative proposals would require private insurers to avoid discriminatory practices toward people with pre-existing conditions. Insurers would also be forced to do away with annual or lifetime limits on care, so that people who get sick don't hit some arbitrary limit quickly and are forced to pay out of pocket. In an effort to increase transparency, insurance companies would be required to create a sort of progress report each year.

Ideally, these consumer protection and public accountability requirements would force the insurance companies to perform more fairly and efficiently. Additionally, President Obama has stated that he believes that a little competition will keep insurance companies honest and premiums low. While one source of competition may be the much-talked-about public option, the plans also pit private insurers against each other in an insurance marketplace, where certain consumers will be able to see very quickly how much a plan will cost them without reading hundreds of pages of fine print.

Private insurance plans that are sold in this marketplace will have to include certain "essential" benefits; legislators are currently debating whether services related to mental health or abortion, for instance, should meet these benefit requirements. However, already existing insurance plans won't have to meet these requirements at first. Instead, the current proposals call for older plans to be grandfathered in to the system, meaning that those who receive health insurance from their companies may see very few changes when reforms first take effect. Once the insurer starts to make significant changes to that particular plan, though, it would lose this grandfather status and be subject to the minimum benefits required in the marketplace. Existing plans may also be subject to a grace period of a few years to align their plans to the governmental standards.

Ready to head to that marketplace? Not so fast, there -- only certain people are eligible.


Go on, go read the rest of this article, it goes on to talk more about individual and employer mandates and subsidies, the public option, changes to medicaid and medicare, doctors roles, and how this is all going to get paid for. Happy reading!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Is Anyone Else...?

...a little worried about all this Iran nuclear plant/missile hulabaloo?

All the stuff going on right now is alarming me.
On the news the other day, I saw that Ahmadinejad even asked the United States to supply Iran with Uranium during mediations between Iran and the US about their supposedly peaceful uranium facilities activity. Now missiles are actually getting "tested" and we're investigating possible nuclear plants....What next?

Good Weekend

Scratch that, make it a great weekend! No I didn't accomplish some impossible feat, nor did I become master of complete universe. It was just me and my hubby having a laid back and all around fun weekend.
I won't give you the play by play, but it was definitely filled with relaxation, the gym, amazing home cooked meals, a suprise from the hubby.
Which brings me around to my next point,
EVERY weekend should have a suprise!

This particular suprise just happened to be (very similar to) the tall dark bookshelf I had wishlisted when we first moved into our house - he still remembered! It's his gift to me for going back to school :) I think his exact words were "Little Miss Smarty Pants needs to show off how smart she is, doesn't she?"   Gee thanks how sweet...
All pokes of fun at me put aside, I'm really excited about it. I'm getting quite a collection of my favorite books and they've been all packed away for over a year now! Now they're all displayed on the shelves, stretching their pages next to a little bud vase with flowers, pottery (that I found while unpacking my would think a year would be enough time to move into your first home...)
I would take a picture of it for you but I seem to have misplaced my battery charger at the moment and that darned camera is dead {it seems to be how it has spent most of it's life!}  They should make solar powered cameras...or even better wind generated cameras. They would work in Idaho for sure!


Monday, September 28, 2009


That's all there is to explain this post. For the last two days at the gym I have seen this elderly lady stretching, running on the treadmills {she really freaking scoots too!}, and lifting weights down with all the big boys.
Her best kept secret : She's 72! But she looks like she's in her late 50's / early 60's - no joke. She looks great, she has an amazing figure, and is in incredible shape. I honestly didn't believe the counter clerk when he mentioned her actual age because she definitely doesn't look or act like her age at all. She is surely going to live her "golden" years healthy, happy, and active.
My grandfather is also like this. He's 70ish (last I checked) and he definitely doesn't look like it either. He has always hiked, lifted weights, swam, and been a member of a bowling name it, my grandpa has probably done it. Except for snowboarding...
That's the hobby of an 85-year-old retired man, who can be seen almost every day of the week snowboarding at our local resort (in the winter season that is). I've never seen anything of him besides snow gear, helmet, and goggles, but his stance and ability is definitely not that of an old man!
I always find myself awestruck by these types of individuals. I for one, have a BIG fear of getting older and whenever I see these people, it makes me feel much more at ease with the aging process. You don't have to get old and decrepit, staying active definitely makes you age "gracefully."
I want to be around (and share in the joy) for important family celebrations and milestones, and be healthy enough to fully enjoy and cherish those moments.

This picture is so stinkin' cute - I love it :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

...Is it just me?

...or is boys' laundry super stinky?
Yeowza! A hamper full of a week's worth of "car racing" clothes, grungy "playing in his garage grease monkey" clothes, 2nd job "dirty work" clothes, and sweaty gym clothes are enough to knock a person over!
Honey I love ya but man alive!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Spectacles!

Check out the new specs! Yes everybody I have glasses now :) It's crazy how much you don't really notice your bad vision until it's fixed. I just thought that I couldn't read from very far away (road signs until they were pretty close) but wow! I put these babies on my face and everything is so sharp and detailed...pretty sweet.
The best part...I feel smarter :)

Here's to good vision!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Just wanted to share...

There are some very interesting ideas out there!

Dear Husband

Dear EXTRA loving, understanding husband;

I am sorry to say that somehow your favorite Tshirt received a mysterious bleach spot...or two  today while doing laundry. I would like to remind you that technically I'm still an undomesticated young lady that doesn't enjoy cleaning house and doing laundry, especially if they're done at the same time. I may be dancing around the truth a little when I say I'm not quite sure where your shirt went, {maybe you left it somewhere?}
Please don't get suspicious and definitely don't look behind my hamper, because that's where it may be hiding...

With Love,



Saturday, September 19, 2009

In the Market for a Laptop

...for school that is. I'm liking this one!

Well, probably not, but it is pretty entertaining. I definately don't want to spend a lot of $cash money$ but I am pleased to say that I'm finding some REALLY great laptops around the $500 range. In the $500 range, you get around 300G of hard drive, 3-5G of RAM, pre-installed wireless internet card, AND video camera. I've never had a computer with a pre-installed camera, but everything comes with camera's nowadays!
...I'm not sure if I should feel old because this IS technology that we're talking about, but I remember when a laptop had like 50G of hard drive, they were heavy... and not so long lasting!


Mmm Fresh Garden Salsa

.....on a not so fresh premade burrito! {I'd say that's a well balanced meal in newlywed standards :)}

That salsa was sure yummy though!
My Mom and Dad came up last weekend to go car shopping with my little sister, and they brought me up some tomatoes {Romas, Cherry, and those funny yellow squash looking ones}, cucumbers, and my favorite! purple onions out of their insane yummy garden.
Now what is a person to do when they get a butt-load of free fresh from the farm food?
Follow their cravings of course!
Fresh Summer Garden | Salsa :
I don't really have a recipe, I learned from my mom to make it to taste, so here's the ingredient list I used:
Romas, peeled and chopped
I chopped up the funny yellow squash looking tomatoes too
Chopped onion {purple makes the salsa look so pretty}
Chopped Jalepenos
Minced Garlic
Jalepeno Juice from the jalepeno jar {My husband is a spicy freak!}
Lime Juice
Sea Salt
A dash of Smoked Paprika {LOVE}
Not so fresh frozen | Burrito:
Take burritos from freezer
Pop in microwave for about 2.5 minutes
Pop in toaster oven for about 5 minutes {for a delicious crusty tortilla}
  Have a great weekend everybody!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cold / Flu Season

I don't know about everyone's places of work, but I'm starting to hear coughing, sneezing, and nubbin' blowing - the signs that cold and flu season is "all up ons"  **cringes**

I'm such a germaphobe, at work I wipe down my desk and computer with a clorox wipe every day and I don't even share my desk with anyone from the previous shift. The following "thought blurb" is the reason why!

I don't remember where I learned this but DID YOU KNOW your desk has more germs than a public restroom toilet seat? Now, I've breifly glanced at some really horrific public restrooms (before I ran away screaming and decided to hold it) that could probably prove this statement wrong but, EW yea...think how many germs and stuff your hands come in contact with throughout the day.

Anywho, so if you're like me, thinking you're about to strangle the next person who walks by your desk and sneezes,  you feel a cold coming on and you're tryin your hardest to fight it. Here's some fun, and good to know, at home cold remedies and facts.

1- Honey   - Was rated as the best cough medicine in a parent study from the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine. I also love it for it's wonderful power of soothing of sore throats.......and for PB and Honey Sandwiches :)

2- Chicken Noodle Soup is really good for your cold. It helps with inflamation, congestion, and actually inhibits some of those nasty things that got you sick in the first place.

3- Taking Garlic Supplements helps prevent colds. I just learned this, and so it's on my shopping list!

4- Green Tea! Enough said. It helps prevent colds and flus, and is amazing during your cold. I love green tea, it's the first thing I grab whenever I feel a sorethroat, sinus pressure....and all other cold symptoms coming on.
5 - Don't use any nasal spray with Zinc in it! The FDA recently warned people against nasal products with zinc in them, because it leads to permanent loss of smell.
6- Did you know that the Airborne company just settled a 22 million dollar class-action lawsuit and another settlement with the Federal Trade Commision on charges that they don't have sufficient evidence to back up their claims? 
Want to learn more?

7- Elderberry Juice (or extract) is apparently amazing at helping resolve that pesky cold. They're really high in antioxidants. I've never had elderberry juice, but I drink tons of pomegranite juice during my colds, and I think that it helps quite a bit.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Good Reason to Have a Blog

Eww, I have a headache, I've spent the evening finishing one grant essay / application and starting on another scholarship essay both provided through my school. While it's great that I have many financing opportunities provided through AIU, I have found myself sort of struggling with writing a college level essay. A little bit of truth I have learned:

If you don't use it, you DEFINATELY will lose it.

I have always done well in English/writing classes in the past and it was a little frustrating to try to get back into writing like I actually have an education! I found myself really lacking in the punctuation, grammar, and even spelling areas.

I am starting to feel it coming back to me, but wow...this is why having a blog is a really good idea! Recreational writing will keep your brain's  "writing skills file" up to date!

Friday, September 11, 2009

...Just finished

The last of Jodi Picoult's books -The Tenth Circle. It's taken me awhile to read all her books because she's written quite a few of them (she actually trys to crank one out every year)! Jodi Picoult is one of my most favorite authors {right behind Cormac McCarthy of course}, so instead of doing a book report, I wanted to do an Auther Spotlight.

I really like her books because with each one she picks a controversial topic and tells the story from multiple perspectives. So while, let's say for would be against abortion (in her book Handle With Care) you also get the stories of the different characters, especially the character that would have to make the hard decision and why. Each book makes you open your eyes, think, test your own morals, and, of course, tugs on your heart-strings.

Some of My Favs:

Change of Heart
Handle with Care
My Sisters Keeper
Keeping Faith

Let's Get to Know Jodi

Her Website   - here you can find a complete list of her books

Updation Proclamation and Inhalation

Update :    I feel like a Dunce.
Yesterday while out  "trying" to get one of my famous lengthy lists of errands done, I stopped in at the DMV to get my drivers' license updated with my new name. This is basically how the visit went.... "But wait a minute here, you're blind as a bat!...FAIL"
Yes, that's right I failed the eye exam {I could not even make out one letter}.  I thought that my vision had been a little fuzzy here lately, but I didn't think it was THAT bad. I actually thought the extra fuzziness was due to how busy I've been and how little sleep I've gotten. Last summer I was prescribed reading glasses because it was determined that when I'm tired I have a really hard time focusing. Apparently this has progressed to constant non-focusing.
Now I have to hit up an optometrist's office and get those eyes checked so I can get a move on with that name changing business. I think I want to get frames and contacts so I can ease myself into contacts.
Looking on the brighter side : I get to pick out some really cute frames :) ...I haven't been shopping in awhile - I'm excited!
Proclamation :   WOW!
Who knew coupon cutting could actually be fun? I'm enjoying being more frugal.
OK Breathe :  7 Spiritual Laws of Success 
Alright, don't laugh but I listened to this audiobook while at work. The hubby thinks it's silly to read/listen to self development books, but I think they're great tools to learn from; they can help you step back, take a breather and evaluate yourself and your actions. One of the laws in the book is about judgement. Now I thought I've always been good on not passing judgement, but I learned you do it WAY more than you think.
My favorite passage in this book {Law of Karma}  - "All debts in the universe are eventually paid."
It was also recommended in the book to take 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening to be by yourself (and only tv, computer, cellphone...etc), to breathe, think and just be with yourself to refresh and "connect with the true you"  :). Now I'm not sure morning time is good for me because I'll just end up falling back to sleep but I'm definately going to take 30 minutes in the evenings.
I just had a brilliant idea .... 30 minutes in the morning to be with your SO (significant other) and only your SO. We'll call it "relationship meditation"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

...Sept 9, Happy Wonderful Weirdos Day!

I just received an email informing me what today is. I love all these little hilarious holidays. I'm trying to figure out how I want to celebrate Wonderful Weirdos Day...Hmm 
Shall I... mix and match some fun and crazy prints?

...wear a fun, silly hairdo?
...maybe have a permanant odd expression on my face?
...little bit of everything?
by the way, that looked like a very interesting fashion show!
haha Ahhh makes me giggle
Let's have some fun shall we?
How do you plan to make today interesting?
Au Revoir!
P.S. Other Interesting Facts :
 - September is Apple Month, College Savings Month, Childrens' Good Manners Month, National Chicken Month, National Organic Harvest Month, National Rice Month, National Piano Month, Pleasure Your Mate Month, Sea Cadet Month, Shameless Promotion Month, Subliminal Communications Month, & National Hispanic Heritage Month.
- This week (Sept 8-12) is Play Days Week ..I'm not sure I know what this is...but it sounds fun

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Speed Racin' Hubby

Well I'm one happy girl, the husband made it through one of the most dangerous SCCA weekend races there is - Bogus Basin Hill Climb (next in line is - Freeze-out Hill Challenge...well they're both pretty equal in my "dangerous, nail-biting meter"). Eric has been a member of the SCCA for 3 years now, and within this short membership has really made a name for himself. Whenever I go watch, I always feel like a proud mama when numerous people come up to me and tell me how talented Eric is at racing cars.
He should be though, he has racing in his blood (I can't wait to have little boys...). His grandfather raced stock cars in the 50's, and is a permanent VIP at Dover Downs. His uncle Jerry used to be a member of Rusty Wallace's team, running all over the US at the different NASCAR events. His father owned a Nova in high school that he drag raced quite a bit.
Eric has been racing since he was seven years old. No, he definately wasn't racing cars that young! He got his first motor bike at the age of seven and instantly began racing MotoX. He raced with the Eastern Idaho Motorcycle Assoc & the Idaho State Motorcross Series. This is partially why we started dating :) I was attracted to someone who was a little different than the average (and boring) football, basketball.... etc, jock & farmboys, plentifully available in my hometown. I don't intend to offend but that's just my opinion :) 
The beloved racing machine
Anywho, back to the weekend!
This was Eric's first Bogus Hill Climb race EVER and on his first run he BEAT the hillclimb record for his car class (STS class)!
Old STS Hillclimb Record : 2:23
New Record : 2:12  (!!!!!)
He now holds the record for both annual hillclimbs. At Freezeout Hillclimb he replaced the previous STS record of 1:54.2 (which was his record last year-it was also his first event ever at Freezeout Hill) with a 1:48.2! 
How exciting is that? I'm so proud of him, sometimes I can hardly contain myself.
Eric's car has a serious setup but he still pushes his little car SO
hard that it's not out the normal to see him
"three-wheeling" it around tight corners.
Eric's car at a National SCCA Race at Wendover, Utah's
former Airforce Base (the base that was retired after
the Hiroshemah Bomb departed it for it's voyage
across seas).
Bogus Basin Hillclimb Video
There is no way I would EVER want to ride in a car
up this mountain road (you're not allowed to for safety
reasons..but still). This a video of his fastest run,
in which he reaches speeds up to 80ish at times! Remember - MOUNTAIN ROAD!
(Plenty of trees to wrap yourself around,
...mountains to roll off...yikes!)

Monday, September 7, 2009

The "Waiting For Laundry To Dry" Poll/Quiz

Planning a wedding has so many details, one being increasing that beauty regimen to look fabulous on that special day. I learned and perfected my regimen so much and I definately plan on keeping up with everything as much as possible. Being married doesn't mean we have to "let it all go!" ...Let's share!

They say in the first 2 years of marriage people gain an average of 15 pounds! EEK! What do you do to keep that tooshy (and the rest of ya!) firm and in shape?
I catch myself doing this "bun firmness check" quite often (my job involves a lot of sitting on that tooshy, I don't want office butt!). I try to go to the gym at least 3 times a week (more if I can help it). I also own a couple "at home work out" videos. Jillian Michaels is GOD not god but close to it.

Wrinkles, Sunspots, and Dryness...OH MY!
What is your daily skin care regimen and what are your FAV products?
I lightly wash my face in the morning and apply my favorite facial lotion. Before bed, I use makeup remover if I'm wearing bronzer (I actually have not worn foundation since December of 2008!...well except a little on the wedding day). Then I wash & exfoliate everynight and apply an organic antioxidant cream.
- The FAVS -
Pronexin - all natural face wash with aloe and finely ground walnuts for exfoliation. It has a mintyness to it - I LOVE how it feels but it looks kind of brown and gross. I'm also a fan of Clinique mild face soap, Origins Nightamins (that i also use in the daytime) I LOVE THIS LOTION! and also Origins A Perfect World Antiox Cream
Lip Gloss, Lip Stick, or Lip Stain ...what's your weapon of choice?
I usually just wear chapstick :). But I do have a few NON-STICKY glosses that I really love.
Weapon of Choice: I love Dior Lip Glow (or something like that) It's a gloss that plays up the natural color of your lips.
The secret to your FABALICIOUS tresses?
I don't stay with one product really, I'm always switching around. I think the main thing that has helped my hair TREMENDOUSLY was not washing it every day. Dr. Oz says it's really bad for you hair! (Let's hear it for Oprah!)
I started washing every other day last winter (at first it really bugged me, the itchy head) after about 2 months my scalp stopped itching, my hair greasyness stopped, and now I can go three days without washing and it still looks really good (but a girl has to have some standards :) ) My hair has been A LOT healthier.
Your Signature ....Toe Nail Polish Color
My toes are always pink (light, dark, neon, or peachyish) They're always a form of pink 
Welp that's a wrap, I'm running out of creativeness.
I look forward to reading your answers!
(I borrowed pictures from

I am a Student Again!

Today I learned that I was officially accepted into American Intercontinental University!
How exciting eh?
My classes start October 5th already, I'm a little nervous but pumped to get back into schooling. This is sooner than I was actually looking forward to but if I'm pay tuition for 2009 & 2010, I get a nifty TAX CREDIT! $2,500...all mine, no strings attached, to put towards savings of course! So it just means I get cash money to go to school earlier and in turn, finish my degree sooner - win win!

I'm shooting for a BBA in Accounting and Finance, and there's a handful of concentrations that I can go for too. I'm looking at doing the Corporate Investment Analysis, I'm still undecided for that but I have until Jan 2011 to decide because January is the end of my classes needed to graduate, then I can go for concentrations.


Now I know that I had previously posted about Western Governors University being the "university for me" but after doing quite a bit for researching and comparing of different online schools, I decided that AIU had more to offer. Really, the only downside is actually the cost, but it is still quite a bit cheaper than UOP.

AIU's degree program is actually what I kept coming back to. They offer both a BBA & a MBA in Accounting and Finance and have numberous concentrations that I can take advantage of. Any other university that I was looking into did not offer both a bachelors and a masters in that degree.

The more I looked in Western Governors University, the more it actually kind of sketched me out. The big thing that worried me was their accreditations. AIU is accredited by the same departments (CHEA and some other gov agency) that accredits all of the actual brick and mortar schools. As a opposed to WGU that is accredited by the DETC which is an actual accrediting body, but from my understanding DETC accreditation isn't as good as being accredited by CHEA & (the other one), and a lot of employers won't recognize your degree. We definately DON'T want that!

If you're looking into attending an online university, here's a nifty government site that I reccomend you use to verify a school's current accredidation. It will even tell you if it's in the process of being revoked, is inactive, canceled, etc...

Finished Snoop Book

Book : Snoop What Your Stuff Says About You

I will be honest, it wasn't as interesting as I thought it'd be. I actually had to switch back and forth between two books this week to get some breathers. Although it was a little dull here and there, I did like it and I learned quite a bit of interesting tidbits, even though it felt more like taking a psychology class. My favorite chapter was the chapter about neurotic people. I used to work with a compulsive liar, he was EXTREMELY bad. In just having a casual conversation would throw him into tall tales and I could never understand that. Now I do, and I actually have a little bit of sympathy for him. From my understanding of the book, neuroticism is a brain disorder.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Busy Bee

So I thought I'd have all this free time after I was done planning a wedding...HA! I don't think so.

In between myself adding more lofty goals to my list {going back to school}, taking care of the dirty work { change, getting finances together - budgeting,saving...taking over the hubby's $ plan or lack thereof}, selling the wedding supplies {to a crazy lady who send 7 emails a day - no joke!}, writing thank yous for gifts, working my regular full-time job, and getting asked to do some marketing for a couple businesses {company website, new accounts, & promotional materials}, I'm not quite sure where I'm going to fit in sleeping & eating ..

I'm a little overwhelmed, I won't lie, but it does feel good to start getting this stuff taken care of and checked of the list. I love the feeling of accomplishment, but man...I just want stuff to come together and RELAX!

On top of being a mad list making, multi-tasker...I had a dream the other night that freaked me out a little. I was was weird {way WEIRD!} We don't want children for awhile- definately have TONS of growing up to do and fun times to experience, and that dream was not cool. I keep having weird little thoughts of..."What if?"   I really can't wait until "that time" comes so I can put my fears to rest.