Monday, September 14, 2009

Good Reason to Have a Blog

Eww, I have a headache, I've spent the evening finishing one grant essay / application and starting on another scholarship essay both provided through my school. While it's great that I have many financing opportunities provided through AIU, I have found myself sort of struggling with writing a college level essay. A little bit of truth I have learned:

If you don't use it, you DEFINATELY will lose it.

I have always done well in English/writing classes in the past and it was a little frustrating to try to get back into writing like I actually have an education! I found myself really lacking in the punctuation, grammar, and even spelling areas.

I am starting to feel it coming back to me, but wow...this is why having a blog is a really good idea! Recreational writing will keep your brain's  "writing skills file" up to date!

1 comment:

  1. That cartoon is HILARIOUS! And I couldn't agree more! We go from having some ridiculous writing assignment every other day to *none*! Not the fairytale we were banking on when we need to call upon those skills! ;)
