Monday, September 7, 2009

Finished Snoop Book

Book : Snoop What Your Stuff Says About You

I will be honest, it wasn't as interesting as I thought it'd be. I actually had to switch back and forth between two books this week to get some breathers. Although it was a little dull here and there, I did like it and I learned quite a bit of interesting tidbits, even though it felt more like taking a psychology class. My favorite chapter was the chapter about neurotic people. I used to work with a compulsive liar, he was EXTREMELY bad. In just having a casual conversation would throw him into tall tales and I could never understand that. Now I do, and I actually have a little bit of sympathy for him. From my understanding of the book, neuroticism is a brain disorder.


  1. That sounds like a book that I would really like.. thanks for the info.

  2. I googled this book and it seemed sort of interesting - I think I will download it onto my Kindle soon :)

