Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Order of Business in Rome: Attack a Gellateria

So I can't decided whether we're flying out on Thursday or Friday. If we fly out Thursday, we'll hopefully arrive Friday morning giving us an extra day to see all the sights we want to see. I really want to do this but Rome is expensive, so we have some deciding to do! 


Anywho, once I step off the airplane I plan to get myself to the nearest gelato stand I can find :) we may travel inland to the ancient city first to dump our gear but be assured that gelato will be on my mind the whole time!

I've learned some fun and useful things about Gelato and I thought it would even more fun to share!

~ A gelato stand/store is referred to a Gellateria ~

If you want the true Italian authentic Gelato look for words such as:

Produzione Propria (Homemade or our own production)
Nostra Produzione (Our production)
Produzione Artigianale (Production by craftsmen)
Fatta in casa (Made in-house)

~ Also look for gelato in metal containers. Gelato stored in plastic containers is a sign of mass production
~ The color should also look muted and natural. Bright colors mean the gelato was made from a mix. A TIP I read is to check the banana gelato - if it is a bright yellow color find another gelateria!

 ~ You can order gelato in a cone (cono) or a cup (coppa).
~ Toppings are usually extra - and be careful with ordering those toppings, it gets expensive fast!

~ It is also customary to order your gelato and walk around with it. If you wish to sit, you will have to pay more - these prices are usually posted.

~ Gelato is more expensive in Northern Italy

Common Gelato Flavors
Nocciola (noht-CHOH-la) - Hazelnut
Cioccolato (chok-ko-LAH-toh) - Chocolate
Caffe (kahf-FEH) - Coffee
Limone (lee-MOH-neh) - Lemon
Fragola (FRAH-goh-lah) - Strawberry
Melone (meh-LOH-neh) - Melon (Cantaloupe)
Straciatella (stra-chee-ah-TELL-ah) - Chocolate Chip

Yum! Enjoi!

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