Friday, August 28, 2009

Good News from the Obama Front word on the street is that Obama just increased Financial Aid / Scholarships/ Grants available for college education. That is wonderful news considering this MRS. is going back to school next fall...or I was even thinking summer (after the honeymoon). I've been looking at two online schools, they're pretty much the same price for tuition. Although University A has a school location maybe 5 mins away from my house, which could be very convenient.
After going over the credit requirements at both Univ A & B, I noticed that the classes seem a tid-bit different than the BSU Academic Credits I have. So the Official Deciding Factor : I have a lot of Accounting, Business, and Finance credits from BSU and the Univ that puts the most credits towards my degree wins! The least amount of time acquiring more education is what mamma likes :)


1 comment:

  1. I would go with the least amount of time for school too! I have yet to go back to school because I still have no idea what I would go for.
