Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Good Weekend

Scratch that, make it a great weekend! No I didn't accomplish some impossible feat, nor did I become master of complete universe. It was just me and my hubby having a laid back and all around fun weekend.
I won't give you the play by play, but it was definitely filled with relaxation, the gym, amazing home cooked meals, a suprise from the hubby.
Which brings me around to my next point,
EVERY weekend should have a suprise!

This particular suprise just happened to be (very similar to) the tall dark bookshelf I had wishlisted when we first moved into our house - he still remembered! It's his gift to me for going back to school :) I think his exact words were "Little Miss Smarty Pants needs to show off how smart she is, doesn't she?"   Gee thanks how sweet...
All pokes of fun at me put aside, I'm really excited about it. I'm getting quite a collection of my favorite books and they've been all packed away for over a year now! Now they're all displayed on the shelves, stretching their pages next to a little bud vase with flowers, pottery (that I found while unpacking my books...you would think a year would be enough time to move into your first home...)
I would take a picture of it for you but I seem to have misplaced my battery charger at the moment and that darned camera is dead {it seems to be how it has spent most of it's life!}  They should make solar powered cameras...or even better wind generated cameras. They would work in Idaho for sure!


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