Friday, September 4, 2009

Busy Bee

So I thought I'd have all this free time after I was done planning a wedding...HA! I don't think so.

In between myself adding more lofty goals to my list {going back to school}, taking care of the dirty work { change, getting finances together - budgeting,saving...taking over the hubby's $ plan or lack thereof}, selling the wedding supplies {to a crazy lady who send 7 emails a day - no joke!}, writing thank yous for gifts, working my regular full-time job, and getting asked to do some marketing for a couple businesses {company website, new accounts, & promotional materials}, I'm not quite sure where I'm going to fit in sleeping & eating ..

I'm a little overwhelmed, I won't lie, but it does feel good to start getting this stuff taken care of and checked of the list. I love the feeling of accomplishment, but man...I just want stuff to come together and RELAX!

On top of being a mad list making, multi-tasker...I had a dream the other night that freaked me out a little. I was was weird {way WEIRD!} We don't want children for awhile- definately have TONS of growing up to do and fun times to experience, and that dream was not cool. I keep having weird little thoughts of..."What if?"   I really can't wait until "that time" comes so I can put my fears to rest. 


  1. We are polar opposites - I never make lists (although I should) and I thrive on last minute pressure. But I make everyone crazy in the meantime even though I always pull it off!! It's like some kind of insane high.
    Sounds like both of us need to take some time to just relax. :-)
    Oh....and the baby dreams? Mother nature just wanting some attention. Give her some chips & salsa and she'll be quiet....for a while!

  2. Haha the pregnant dreams are the worst! For some reason there's always something weird, like the kid is hidious, or it's born a 5 year old!
